Be Confident of Achieving Exam Goals with the ‘3Cs’ Formula


You might be wanting your child to set academic goals for 2018 as the new year is fast approaching.

Thus, I’ve written a quick guide for your child (or for yourself!) to set goals which are realistic, achievable and encouraging.


 Clarity Your child’s academic goal has to be clear, written clearly and if possible, displayed prominently. Set a specific numerical goal and a specific timeline to reach said goal.

For example: “I want to score 65 marks for my English mid-year exams in 2018

. Certainty We need a sense of certainty to feel motivated to reach our goals.

How do we or our children get that certainty? By having a mentor of sorts.

An example is having a reliable tutor or teacher who can monitor your child’s progress closely and steer your child in the right direction when he or she goes off track. This helps your child to keep the eyes on the prize and not give up easily.

You can be your child’s mentor too.

.  Commitment

This is toughest part of goal-setting. Once the ‘New Year’s Resolution’ effect fades off, our children (us included!) are likely to slip into their old ways and habits.

How do we avoid this? I have a bold suggestion: Tell people about your goal and your timeline.

When you tell others your goals, you will feel some pressure to achieve them. This will spur you to give your best and not easily give up.

That’s all for this post!