Irritated by something? It may be serving you, Coaches.

I was in deep work mode last weekend, furiously writing captions for coaches, thinking and researching in a frenzy.

I left my 5-year-old to watch TV and all of a sudden, she sighed and said to me : “Mum, the TV stopped working. And I’m hungry!”

I felt a burst of irritation. 

When I’m consumed with work and being productive, interruptions irritate me a lot.

But I purchased a course from a ‘work with your flow’ expert recently and she said this:

“Interruptions are meant to serve you. It’s the Universe’s (or God's / Higher Power's) way of telling you to change your activity for some reason.”

So I took a deep breath, fixed the TV error and made a snack for my 5-year-old.

The interruption did help me.

It gave me a break because I was so engulfed in my work that I lost perspective.

And….the interruption gave me inspiration to write this post ;)

  • So, if you are working at a cafe and the aircon starts feeling too cold and uncomfortable, it may be a sign for you to leave the cafe (for some reason) or stop working (and take a break for your own good).

  • If you are catching up with a friend over lunch and you start getting irritated with the noisy table next to you, maybe it’s a sign to get up and chat whilst having a walk in a nearby park as it will do you both good.

  • If you have been staring at your laptop screen for hours and your eyes start hurting, it may be a sign to stop for a while (or even stop for the day for your own benefit).

Your reflection question for today:

What has irritated you recently and served you?

What I’m working on this week:

Finishing up 30 authority-building captions for coaches. The theme will be mental and emotional resilience. 

Here is a sample of one of the captions. I will launch this in mid-January.

What I think will help you this week:

If you want to inspire your audience this new year, you can conduct an overcome negative self-talk masterclass using my done-for-you slides and script.


Blessings and Happy New Year to you,



Three FREE done-for-you Instagram Captions for Coaches (with a 'Resilience' theme)


Imposter Syndrome Coaching Tool : Free BRANDABLE Imposter Syndrome Test