How to let your Child be in Control of his or her Own Success



Jack Canfield calls this one formula ‘The Formula Which Puts You In Control of Success.’

What is this formula? It is the Events + Response = Outcome formula.

How can you use the Events + Response = Outcome formula to transform your child into a super achiever in school and in life?

Let’s say an ugly ‘Event’ occurs – your child’s school decided to set a difficult Maths mid-year exam paper this year.

The ‘Outcome‘? Your child scored a disappointing C5 in the Maths exam.

Both you and him are upset about it. You’ve enrolled him in Maths tuition twice a week (and spent lots of money!) and yet, both of you are not getting the B3 grade that you desire.

Your child can choose to ‘Respond’ in the following ways:

  1. Give up on Maths entirely because ‘Maths is too hard, anyway’.
  2. Approach his Maths teacher proactively after school for extra coaching
  3. Form a study group with Maths-savvy friends after school to do homework together
  4. Spend an extra 3 hours every week doing Maths assessment books
  5. Get motivated to work harder and smarter in Maths
  6. Get angry and blame his Maths teacher for being a lousy teacher
  7. Get angry with the Maths HOD for setting a  difficult exam paper
  8. Believe that he is born bad with numbers and equations

…..and so on.

Many of us like to blame other people, the weather, astrological signs, the bad school environment, the lousy teacher, the difficult exam papers and so on for our unwanted ‘Outcomes‘. (refer to #1, 6, 7 & 8 above)

That is not empowering at all!

What do Super-Achievers do differently?

Smart teens and children change their ‘Responses‘ to unwanted ‘Events‘ until they get the ‘Outcomes‘ they want.

This means: your child can choose to do #2, 3, 4 or 5 above (modify his ‘Responses‘ and actions) instead of slamming external circumstances until he gets the ‘Outcome‘ he wants (which is, a B3 in a future Maths exam).

Let’s face it – we can only change our thoughts, our actions and our behaviour anyway.

We can’t change other people, we can’t change the school’s decisions, magically transform the difficult exam paper etc, so we might as well focus on things within our control.

Make your Child (and yourself) Feel Empowered in Life

So if your child did not get a desired ‘Outcome‘ in any part of his life, sit down with him or her and brainstorm ways for you both to achieve the desired ‘Outcome’ together.

You can start the activity with: ‘Let’s brainstorm ways for us to push your grade from a C5 to B3 in 3 months.’

After this activity, praise even the smallest improvements in your child’s actions or ‘Responses‘ – small changes lead to big changes in future.

All the best.