How to manage perfectionism in business

If you have been frustrated with yourself for taking too long to...

  1. Launch something

  2. Publish (a free and helpful) lead magnet to your audience

  3. Create free podcast eps and YouTube vids

… maybe you are being a little perfectionistic in your business :)

It can happen if we grew up in an environment where mistakes were not tolerated.

Or perhaps you have worked in an office where mistakes carry heavy consequences. 

One way to get some control over our perfectionism is to do this quick exercise below.

Much of perfectionism is due to our ‘all or nothing’ thinking patterns.

I’ve also recorded a 10-minute video last week to share how we can gain some control over perfectionism as a business owner:

I recorded the video using a not-Zoom software and it was not as smooth, admittedly.

I hope the video will help you understand why you make business decisions the way you do. And hopefully you will feel less alone as a business owner who has perfectionism tendencies.

See you in my next email, video or podcast ep :)

Take care. 



A simple coaching exercise for anxiety


Two ways to face business mistakes and ‘failure’