Make the BEST business decisions with this method

Coaches, if you can’t sleep at night obsessing over business decisions, this method can clear your mind.

I’m sure you have pictured many ways to expand and get more reach for your coaching business.

Maybe you feel tempted to offer ‘ABC’ service to your clients because you are very driven to hit a six-figure income this year.

Maybe you have considered creating 10 Instagram Stories everyday to stay relevant to your audience. (Even though you know in the deepest corner of your heart that you are going to hate doing all these)

I’ve been there too.

I will share one method for you to get crystal clear on your decisions so that you can continue to enjoy running your business.

If you are lost and indecisive if you should offer this extra service or that, take note of your core life values.

Sounds boring at first glance, yes?

Well, you can start by listing down your top 5 life values. I will give mine as an example.

My current list - in order of importance

  1. Freedom

  2. Health (including mental health)

  3. Relationships and friendships

  4. Wealth

  5. Fun

You can then create your business to line up with your values - especially your top 3 values.

For example, I choose not to offer 1-1 services right now although I get emails almost everyday requesting for custom workbooks.

At this moment, offering 1-1 services does not fulfil my HIGH need for freedom.

And stressing over deadlines - coupled with my need to produce high quality work - will affect my mental health.

Take note of your values before collaborating, launching a service, introducing a new system, trying a new marketing tactic - you name it.

Your values will change as time passes.

So your business is likely going to shape-shift to meet your values and not remain the same - provided that you honour your values.

I feel called to share this info with you after watching too many motivational YouTube videos last week, thanks to a flu bug. What a fun week it was.

Meanwhile, let’s send our blessings to people who need them and pray for peace.
