3 Tips to be More Productive Everyday for 2018



Hi! Today I’ll be sharing 3 tips to help you or your children make your days more productive.

Being busy doesn’t mean you are being productive.

Being productive means getting high-quality work done in a short time. So how do we produce good quality work in a shorter time?


3 Tips to be Productive Everyday


Tip number 1 is focus on just 3 action steps per day.

This means taking out your organiser or your phone and typing out only 3 things to do TODAY which help you reach your ‘big goal’.

Let’s say your big goal is to finish your work in the office by 6pm everyday. Or to score a B in your Maths mid-year exam.

Write down 3 things you can do today to help you reach that.

If you do this everyday, you should be closer to getting that B or finishing your work on time like you planned.

These 3 action steps by the way, should not be about running errands, doing laundry or the daily grind. The 3 steps should bring you closer to a ‘big goal’ that you have.



Tip number 2 is know your Peak Work Time.

You’ll notice that you are super creative or hyper productive during a certain time everyday. It’s usually a 3-hour window. Maybe you are most productive from 11-2pm, 8pm-11pm or 7-10am. Everyone is different.

Do your important tasks during your peak work time. If you do this, you’ll produce high-quality work which makes you feel happy and satisfied.

So maximise your Peak Work Time and get all the important tasks done during that 3-hour window.

Your less important tasks can be done after or before that.



Tip number 3 is do your worst task first.

Get the most dreadful task done first thing in the morning.

When the most dreaded task is over and done with, you will feel a sense of achievement. This sets a good tone to your entire day.

Prepare yourself to do this ‘hated’ task the night before.

Write it down on a piece of paper, gather all the materials you need to do this dreadful task and just execute the next morning.

When you start the day finishing the most unpleasant task first, you’ll feel good and get more things done than most other people in your office or school later in the day.

So I hope these 3 tips help you or your child be more productive.

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Have a good week!