Coaches: Your Weirdness is your Brilliance

I have been loving taking the public train everywhere lately and using the 40 minutes in the train to listen to podcasts.

Recently, I tapped on Spotify on my iPhone and listened to a podcast ep which was featuring an expert on quantum physics and all things ‘woo’. 

I love listening to such perspectives because they are refreshing.

And make me calmer knowing there is more to life than chasing a 6-digit income, or ‘learn how to create a million dollar launch’ sort of lifestyle. (I get many of those emails everyday :D )

The expert said something which was an ‘aha’ moment for me, and maybe for you too.

“Your weirdness is your brilliance.

“There are too many coaches and healers out there who are too generic. We are in the age where you can be yourself completely and create your own niche and your own following.

“Instead of chasing money, be authentic and let yourself attract money.”

I felt like a ton of weight was lifted off my shoulders.

Many people tell us to hustle. Go ‘live’ on Instagram everyday to beat the algorithm. Post on social media 6 times a day. Target 3-4 keywords for every Pinterest pin description you write. Create a course, have a launch sequence, a high converting funnel and all that. 

If you would rather get a root canal treatment than do some of these activities, you are just going to hate your business, no?

There is more to say about this topic, but a balance between these ‘hustling’ activities and taking inspired action / flow is so needed if you want to enjoy your life.

I have reflected that I can hustle like a mad hatter and earn a boatload of money, but I would be stressed out and anxious.

So I choose to just release one product a month right now, much to the frustration of my logical brain.

Does all this make sense to you?

I hope it helps you to breathe easy and reminds you know that enjoying the journey is okay.



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