Detailed videos for the Done for you ‘Self-esteem for Success’ masterclass

⚡ See ALL the 80 power-packed slides, brandable with Canva:


⚡See the FULL ready-done script here:


⚡See the accompanying workbook here (brandable with Canva):


⚡ Attention: Coaches who want to launch a successful self-esteem masterclass but are too busy to write one from scratch!

Here’s what you will get with my done-for-you Self-esteem for Success masterclass

✔️80 powerful Canva slides which you can brand, edit and take credit for the work I’ve done (backed by my years of counselling experience and sharp observation)

✔️A written-for-ear script so you will be a smooth-talking put-together coach and presenter 

✔️A ready-done 23-page workbook so your audience can remember the life-changing concepts you taught them and view you as THE expert

Curious? See the full details here. :)