Me Me

Done-for-you Master your Morning Routine masterclass, workbook and script

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Launch your own masterclass via Zoom or in-person and sell the video replays over and over again. Save weeks and months of research, design work, writing work and money by getting this ready-to-launch masterclass and start offering it to your clients ASAP.

See the 87 brandable Canva slides here:

See the 28-page accompanying workbook here:

See the full workshop script here:

The done-for-you sales page for this Master your Morning Routine masterclass is sold separately. See the sales page here:

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Me Me

A simple coaching exercise for anxiety

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It all started with listening to a manifestation guru’s podcast. (I love these, but I’m sure some of you are rolling your eyes 😄)

She mentioned that one everyday method to stave off anxiety is to deliberately avoid watching - or scrolling - the news.

This is a tad controversial, of course. 

The news , she explained, focuses too much on what is wrong with this world.

Most of the things we see or listen to in the news is something which ignites fear, anxiety and suspicion in us. 

There are also many beautiful and kind actions going on around us all the time, but the news is not the place for that ;).

Hence, if you are a sensitive person, you may feel less anxiety and worry if you reduce your consumption of mainstream news.

This reminds me of a drawing anxiety exercise which I have in my done-for-you Overcome Anxiety workbook

Why drawing? You may ask. Well, drawing is a more relaxing way to do coaching exercises.

Plus, it’s fun and brings out the child in us.

I wrote this workbook a few years back, and you can use the exercises in this anxiety workbook as coaching exercises for your group coaching, 1-1 sessions or even sell it on your website.

Anxiety drawing exercise for clarity

Step 1 : Draw 3 tasks, people or situations which give you anxiety on a daily basis.

Step 2 : Next, you can arrange the 3 situations + tasks in order of which makes you anxious the most. 

Most anxious :

Moderately anxious :

Least anxious :

Step 3 : What has worked in the past to reduce your anxiety for these 3 situations? Draw them out.

This exercise gives instant clarity to the root cause of your client’s everyday anxiety.

And reminds them to take action on what has worked in the past to reduce it. 

This ready-done anxiety workbook has been quietly popular with coaches, I noticed.

You can use it during your group coaching sessions or even as a lead magnet to grow your email list.

Will you be trying this anxiety drawing exercise on yourself today?

Let me know if you are ;)


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How to manage perfectionism in business

If you have been frustrated with yourself for taking too long to...

  1. Launch something

  2. Publish (a free and helpful) lead magnet to your audience

  3. Create free podcast eps and YouTube vids

… maybe you are being a little perfectionistic in your business :)

It can happen if we grew up in an environment where mistakes were not tolerated.

Or perhaps you have worked in an office where mistakes carry heavy consequences. 

One way to get some control over our perfectionism is to do this quick exercise below.

Much of perfectionism is due to our ‘all or nothing’ thinking patterns.

I’ve also recorded a 10-minute video last week to share how we can gain some control over perfectionism as a business owner:

I recorded the video using a not-Zoom software and it was not as smooth, admittedly.

I hope the video will help you understand why you make business decisions the way you do. And hopefully you will feel less alone as a business owner who has perfectionism tendencies.

See you in my next email, video or podcast ep :)

Take care. 


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Me Me

Two ways to face business mistakes and ‘failure’

I’m sharing two paths you can choose to handle business mistakes in a relatively healthier way.

In an email to my 8000-strong subscribers last week, I shared a new podcast ep where I discussed two paths you can choose when facing ‘failure’ in your business.

Since we pretty much can’t run away from mistakes as business owners, we can learn to handle them in a healthy way instead of letting ourselves go through the downward spiral of low self-worth and depressed-like feelings.

There are many ways we can face ‘failure’, but I am sharing two paths today.

Path 1:

If you have a ‘fighter’ personality, you may like Path 1 : which is to fight the failure aggressively and turn it into a success.

You will take massive action such as hiring new people, creating new funnels, testing new products - sometimes all at once.

Path 2:

If you are a peace-loving business owner, you may lean into Path 2 : which involves accepting failure as part of the business journey.

This also means: you are in no  rush to ‘fix’ the failure and you are at peace with different phases of your business. You will ‘go with the flow’ and allow your intuition to lead the way.

So… are you more likely to choose Path 1 or Path 2?

Personally, I choose Path 2 because I value mental peace and inner peace.

If you value achievements and speed, you may prefer Path 1.

One path is not better than the other.

I would like to assure you that both paths are valid and helpful to manage business mistakes and failure in a healthier way.

Do you have your own preferred way of handling ‘failure’ in business?

If I were to create more videos and podcast episodes surrouding the mindset aspect of running a business, what topics would you like me to discuss?

You can leave a comment below or email me at

Take care,


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Me Me

Free ‘Make Your Thoughts Count’ Instagram caption for coaches

Apparently, we have 6,200 thoughts everyday.😄

If you are a positive thinker, this is great news because it means that most of your thoughts are encouraging in nature.

But if you are conditioned to always lean on less-than-negative thought patterns, your thoughts can hold you back more than you think! 🤐

In this NEW lead generation pack for coaches, I have written an Instagram caption abt making your thoughts count - which you can share with your audience and make yourself be seen as an authority as a coach 🙂

This lead gen pack will help you grow your list: it has IG captions, IG reel scripts, IG images, a lead magnet, an email nurture campaign done-for-you.

For your convenience, you can copy and paste the Instagram caption below, tweak it to suit your needs and post it on your IG:

You have 6,200 thoughts everyday. Make them count like this.

We know that our self-talk shapes our days, our months and eventually, our years. 

I’ll share my simple routine which you can follow to ensure that your thoughts lean on the positive on most days.

Firstly, I get into alignment before I carry out my tasks for the day. 

This means, I am intentional about putting myself in a good state before I start my day. 

This is what it looks like:

  • Listening to my favourite uplifting podcast first thing in the morning.

  • Working out to get endorphins running through my body as a natural mood boost

  • … any activity which will put me in a good mental and emotional state that day before doing any work or task

When you are intentional about starting your days right, your days will unfold in a more pleasant way.

Do you have your own ‘alignment’ routine? Like this post if you do!

You can comment ‘positive’ below and I will send a mini workbook to you to get you started on your positive self-talk journey.

This lead generation pack will help you attract fresh leads through quality content marketing.

If you want to grow your list and have more sales without slaving away for hours this month, this lead generation marketing pack will be the answer to your problems. 😄

Take care and see you in my next blog post,


Want to grow your list and get more sales? ⚡

This lead generation pack will help you with that almost overnight :)

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