Think you have nothing valuable to offer your clients?

Coaches, ‘value’ is subjective. What’s not valuable to one person can be of great value to another.

Two days ago, I went down the rabbit hole of browsing Reddit to see why people are skeptical of life coaches.

I find it refreshing to see other people’s perspectives. One skeptic’s comment struck me as memorable.

He said that life coaches are nothing more than ‘sounding boards’ - and you can get ‘sounding boards’ for free amongst your friends and family members.

I find this interesting.

Because there are people out there who will shell out money for ‘sounding boards’.

If a coach makes them feel 1) empowered 2) assured 3) a certain way which gives them confidence, some people will happily pay for that.

Value is subjective.

What is not valuable to that commenter, can be valuable to someone else.

There are some influencer-coaches who sell their manifesting courses at high prices (read: over a thousand dollars) and people pay partly for the ‘transfusion of energy’.

They want that coach’s rock-solid confidence, admire her energy and go-getting attitude.

And they find it helpful to immerse themselves in her energy because it makes them feel confident too.

I personally don’t find it worth it to pay $1000+ for a transfusion of energy, but who am I to say?

Thousands of women have enrolled in her courses. So there are people who find great value in that.

We may think that what we can offer is of little value. But who are we to judge? Value is subjective, after all :)

However, I personally believe that it is good to offer something tangible to clients instead of just riding on a transfusion of energy.

(Unless you are a big-name coach with a solid following which means you can offer anything you want :D )

It helps your clients and you too when you offer them exercises, assignments alongside motivation and feelings of empowerment.

Appealing to both your clients’ emotional and logical sides is a win-win for everyone.

If you use my experience-based done-for-you coaching tools, it's easy for you to assign exercises to your clients so that they will feel their investment in you is doubly worth it.

And if you want a done-for-you mindfulness course to add to your list of income streams, you can get it here.  (You get 51 slides, a ‘written for the ear’ script and even a mindfulness workbook. All set to launch ASAP :))

I’m in the middle of launching a sales copywriting service tailored for coaches and course creators.

I’m excited about it, although I’m not sure if this will be a hit or not.

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and thank you for adding great value to your community and the world.




Free Mindset Coaching Exercise to help Your Audience Stop Self Critical Thoughts and Feel Less Anxious


Not a ‘hustler’? That’s okay.