Think you have nothing valuable to offer your clients?

Coaches, ‘value’ is subjective. What’s not valuable to one person can be of great value to another. The value you offer may be greater than you think.

Coaches, ‘value’ is subjective. What’s not valuable to one person can be of great value to another.

Two days ago, I went down the rabbit hole of browsing Reddit to see why people are skeptical of life coaches.

I find it refreshing to see other people’s perspectives. One skeptic’s comment struck me as memorable.

He said that life coaches are nothing more than ‘sounding boards’ - and you can get ‘sounding boards’ for free amongst your friends and family members.

I find this interesting.

Because there are people out there who will shell out money for ‘sounding boards’.

If a coach makes them feel 1) empowered 2) assured 3) a certain way which gives them confidence, some people will happily pay for that.

Value is subjective.

What is not valuable to that commenter, can be valuable to someone else.

There are some influencer-coaches who sell their manifesting courses at high prices (read: over a thousand dollars) and people pay partly for the ‘transfusion of energy’.

They want that coach’s rock-solid confidence, admire her energy and go-getting attitude.

And they find it helpful to immerse themselves in her energy because it makes them feel confident too.

I personally don’t find it worth it to pay $1000+ for a transfusion of energy, but who am I to say?

Thousands of women have enrolled in her courses. So there are people who find great value in that.

We may think that what we can offer is of little value. But who are we to judge? Value is subjective, after all :)

However, I personally believe that it is good to offer something tangible to clients instead of just riding on a transfusion of energy.

(Unless you are a big-name coach with a solid following which means you can offer anything you want :D )

It helps your clients and you too when you offer them exercises, assignments alongside motivation and feelings of empowerment.

Appealing to both your clients’ emotional and logical sides is a win-win for everyone.

If you use my experience-based done-for-you coaching tools, it's easy for you to assign exercises to your clients so that they will feel their investment in you is doubly worth it.

And if you want a done-for-you mindfulness course to add to your list of income streams, you can get it here.  (You get 51 slides, a ‘written for the ear’ script and even a mindfulness workbook. All set to launch ASAP :))

I’m in the middle of launching a sales copywriting service tailored for coaches and course creators.

I’m excited about it, although I’m not sure if this will be a hit or not.

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and thank you for adding great value to your community and the world.



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Stressed that you are not a big-name coach?

We are not all destined to be Oprah or Gabby Bernstein - we have our own paths .

“Your life purpose does not have to involve changing the WHOLE world. 

Your purpose can be fulfilled by changing YOUR world.”

I clicked ‘pause’ on the YouTube video I was watching. It was a video by Sonia Choquette - intuitive coach extraordinaire.

Is Ms. Choquette right? 

Is changing our own little ‘world’ enough for us to say we are living our ‘life purpose’?

I had the thinking that if I am not the next big entrepreneur who makes 7 digits per year, I’m not fulfilling my biggest potential. And my life purpose journey has fallen short.

But - not all of us are destined to be big-name coaches like Gabby Bernstein or Denise Duffield-Thomas. (Or worse, comparing ourselves to Queen Oprah!)

When you make just ONE person feel good about themselves, it has a ripple effect.

Let’s look at how this cycle works

You make a frazzled mother feel good about trying her best even though she feels like a failure > She got in a good mood > And attended to her kids cheerfully that day > Her kids were happy to have a present + relaxed Mum > They got in a good mood too 

If you shift the vibe of just one person, her whole community benefits from it.

So don’t be disheartened if you are spreading light and positive messages around but feel that you are just impacting ‘one’ person.

That ‘one’ person will extend your positivity to her circle. And this circle will grow.

So thank you for the work that you do, coaches.



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Create an Inner Critic Log and see the thought patterns holding you back!

Coaches, if you are not sure what is holding you back, it may be your own self-defeating thoughts! Create your own Inner Critic Log and come face-to-face with your own thought patterns.

I was chilling out, swiping the pages of an ebook about self-care and my eyes were drawn to a technique on how to create an ‘Inner Critic Log’.

Right now, I am furiously writing a self-compassion workbook which you coaches can sell or use with your clients.

I will sometimes scan books to get inspiration and ‘aha’ moments to create workbooks which can transform lives - such as this one.

As I was flipping through a self-care ebook for fresh insight, it mentions an 'Inner Critic Log'.

I hopped on this idea right away because I am curious to see what my thought patterns are.

I do this the easy-peasy way - I click open my Notes app in my iPhone, type 'Inner Critic Log' as the title and tap any negative thoughts which cross my mind.

This is what I got within a span of one hour:

I typed fast, so please ignore the shortcuts + errors in my Inner Critic Log above! :)

Coming face to face with your thoughts is powerful.

The next time these thoughts pop up in my head, I recognise them as “Aha, my inner critic is at work again.”

I erase this list at the end of the day and create a fresh list in my Notes app on a new day.

I will admit that I don't do this everyday - only on days when I feel lost, confused or unmotivated.

Your thoughts are not facts.

They are created from social conditioning, your own past experiences and your upbringing.

Have the courage to type or write down your negative thoughts whenever you notice them.

That's all I have for you today to motivate you on your journey as a coach!

See you in my next blog post.



PS: If you are rushing to put together a workbook or content about goal-setting, you can grab my ready-to-use goal-setting journal. And take a breather for this week and next!

Coaching Tools + Exercises to grow your business

Want to inspire your followers to set goals? Grab this Goal-Setting Journal and create group coaching sessions with the content inside!

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How to Choose an Online Course as a New Coach and Get the Best Value for Your Money

If you are new to the coaching or entrepreneurship journey, you may be tempted to get THAT hot online course which every other blogger is raving about! Before shelling out your hard-earned money, check out my top tips on how to choose value-for-money ebooks and courses to grow your business.

If you are a coach, a solopreneur or just getting your feet wet in this entrepreneurship journey, I’m sure you have considered buying online courses to grow your business.

In fact, I’ll be surprised (and envious) if you are a profitable entrepreneur and not bought any ebooks or courses by now!

You may be tempted (as I have) to purchase *that* hot course which all bloggers and influencers are raving about. Or you may see a course being mentioned often in Facebook groups. 

I have to iterate that online courses are not magic pills. 

In fact, I tend to trust recommendations in Facebook Groups more than recommendations via blog posts with affiliate links. (This blog post contains ZERO affiliate links!) 

I believe that if a course is not as good as it’s trumpeted to be, other members of the Group will have a comment or two about it. Or they will recommend other better courses. 

If a course is awesome, many members will also chime in (even those with no affiliation) to vouch for how great it is.

I am very picky about spending money on courses nowadays. Because I have burnt money before ($999 to be exact) getting a course which was not value for money in my opinion. 

Please don’t email me asking which course this is - because I respect the course creator :) Besides, what does not work for me may work for you and vice versa!

I have some tips, based on my experience, for you as a new solopreneur to choose the right course or ebook so you will get the best bang for your buck!

1. Buy courses or ebooks which focus specifically on one topic

If you want to learn about Pinterest, make sure the ebook or course is solely about Pinterest.

If you want to learn about SEO, choose an online course or an ebook which has a laser focus on SEO

This means, the writer will go in-depth and you will learn a lot from it.

I prefer to choose depth, not breadth. 

There are many all-in-1 courses which teach you everything under the sun about business or blogging. 

Right now, I choose to steer clear of those because 

  • they can be very expensive 

  • some topics will likely be touch-and-go topics and not helpful at all

  • I don’t have the time to devour so much content!

2. Affordable courses and ebooks can be very good!

The most helpful ebooks and courses I bought are less than $100 each.

I admit that I have bought several of these over the last couple of years, so they do add up!

I believe in just-in-time learning. If I need to sharpen my SEO skills at this moment, I’ll get an SEO course/ebook which is value-for-money.

With my busy days, I can’t commit to expensive courses which have 57 videos and 786 hours of content.

Also, don’t discount great audiobooks from 

If you are busy and want to learn about email marketing or even how to use your intuition in business, for example, you may be able to find a great audiobook about that topic.

To be fair, I’ve not bought online courses which cost more than $1000 before. So there may be very good courses out there which do cost that kind of money - you’ll have to dig out these gems yourself :)

3. Some affordable courses and ebooks I recommend for new coaches and solopreneurs 

I have some links below but they are solely for your convenience. They are NOT affiliate links!

A good Pinterest course I like is Carly Campbell’s Pinteresting Strategies. I go over it again and again over time to refresh my knowledge.

Debbie Gartner’s books are helpful too. Very quick to read and cost about $47 each at this time. I’ve bought quite a few. Each book focuses on only 1 topic. 

If you struggle writing emails to your subscribers, you may like Kate Doster’s The Email Marketing Fairy. She has a GAZILLION email templates you can use. Note: You have to add your own personal touch to these templates or they may seem ‘soul-less’. 

I relied a lot on those email templates during my early days. Now I pretty much write what I feel inspired to write to my 6000 subscribers. I think The Email Marketing Fairy costs $36 at this time.

These are the ebooks I’ve bought which I can remember off the top of my head right now.

4. Buying online courses for fun? 

I rarely buy digital products for fun unless they are cheap, honestly.

But I have gone on to a new level in my business where I need inspiration and intuition to help me - not sales funnels or structures.

So I just purchased Steve Pavlina’s Amplify course yesterday. It is a course about how to be productive as a creator. 

I hemmed and hawed about it because 

1) the course outcome is not specific 

2) it costs $497


3) it sounds like too much fun for me (wait - how is this a problem again?)

It was $297 upon launching in early March. I thought and thought about it for weeks and when I decided to go for it yesterday, the launch discount was over. Bam!

I can afford the cost, hence it’s not about the money.

But I could not justify spending $497 on a course with no defined outcome, if you get what I mean.

But I felt great relief after purchasing it. I believe it is something I need at this stage of my business.

When you are at a different stage, you need different tools. The old ebooks and courses may not fit you anymore.

So that was the first time I bought a course which can help me in my business (in the long term) AND is fun to me.

Wish me luck!

5. I have gone for in-person seminars too

To be fair, since 2016 thereabouts, I have gone for many in-person seminars about copywriting, digital marketing, mindset and more.

So I can’t say that the courses and ebooks alone have helped me in my business.

All these in-person seminars add up to lots of money (as you would expect!), but they are mostly paid by my husband. He is self-employed and when he attended seminars, I would tag along.

My last words about choosing the right online course…

I believe there is no magic online course - even if you pay someone thousands of dollars to give you private guidance.

To me, the best way to learn is to try some strategies you’ve learnt from courses or ebooks, make mistakes and learn as you go.

At the beginning, you may follow an expert’s recommended template or structure.

But as time passes, you will find your own groove and style which work for you and your audience.

It’s a long journey! 

I feel like I have to place a disclaimer again that this blog post is based on my personal experience + opinions.

You may have a different opinion and that’s fine! Every person has a different style and preference.

Also, if you have the resources to splurge on big-ticket courses which make you happy, lucky you!

Meanwhile, I wish you all the best in your business.



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How to Get Hits of Inspired Action when You are Busy and Overwhelmed

Find out how you can get those nudges of inspired action when you are busy and stressed out! I tried this technique and it works well for me :)

As coaches or self-employed individuals, we know that inspired action is the key to a smooth-sailing business.

I know for sure that if I take inspired action, be it for work or personal matters, everything falls into place beautifully.

But how do we get inspired action ideas when we are stressed and busy?

The issue do you get those nudges of inspired action when you are busy and overwhelmed?

From what I know, when we are busy, stressed or fearful, our channel for creative energy to flow through, is constricted.

But when you are feeling free, expansive and joyful, inspired action ideas will hit you left, right and centre.

I came across Jess Lively’s podcast episode: What I Do When I ‘Work’ to Find Alignment and Inspired Action and she shared a technique which helps her get those hits of divine inspired action.

She mentioned that she will sit in a cafe with a laptop. And will start typing a gratitude list on autopilot.

For example: “I appreciate the sunny weather today.” “I appreciate the comfortable jeans I’m wearing today.” The list goes on.

During that gratitude typing session, she will get hits of inspired action to call someone or do something.

I thought this technique is genius. (I tried a modified version of this because I hate lugging my heavy laptop to a cafe.)

So I did a mental gratitude list whilst at a cafe. “I appreciate my healthy body.” “I appreciate the beautiful morning” and so on. I just think these sentences in my head.

At first, I thought I’ll run out of things for gratitude fast. But surprisingly, the things to feel grateful for kept flowing to me in my mind. I rarely run out of things to appreciate.

(Always remember that you have to genuinely appreciate those things at that moment. You  usually appreciate different things at different times of the day!)

It’s similar to meditating in a public place. If you hate meditating alone with your eyes closed, you can try my method 😂

I had better perspective and a stream of ideas just flowed into my mind. I had clarity to make better decisions too.

If you are willing, you can try this technique on busy days when you don’t know which task to do first.

As you mentally appreciate your life at that moment, you will be nudged to do THIS task first. And then THAT task. And somehow, your to-do list is more or less done.

Not always in a chronological order, though. You may be inspired to start tomorrow’s task or even next week’s project, today. But what needs to be done, will be done in an almost effortless way.

So when do you leave the cafe? When you feel ‘done’ and fulfilled.

Let me know if you have tried this method to get inspired action and if it works for you!

I wish you the best in everything you do.


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