Parenting Strategies

Encouraging Parents Create a World of Difference!


This is a quick tip for parents out there 🙂

Encouraging parents make a world of difference to their kids. 🙂

If your child keeps failing Maths, for example, encourage him or her by saying, “If you work hard, I know you can get B3 for your Maths”, “I believe in you” and “I’m confident you can score better marks in your next test – you can do it.”

Children or teens who have encouraging parents are less likely to get influenced by negative comments made by friends or even teachers.

If we show them that we have faith in them, they are less likely to get affected by comments such as “You have no aptitude in Maths.” (Trust me, my Secondary 3 Maths teacher once told me that! =P)

Sincerely have faith in your children and you will reap the rewards over time.

4 Scientific Methods to Boost Self-Esteem for Work & School Success


In this post, I’ll be sharing 4 scientific ways for us to boost self-esteem. We can use them on ourselves – or teach them to our children.

How is self-esteem linked to work or school?


2 Benefits of Good Self-Esteem


According to research, people with good self-esteem get career success much faster. In fact, their successful achievements are double compared to those with poor self-esteem.

When they get negative feedback from a boss, people with good self-esteem don’t take it personally. They know that they are competent individuals and don’t crumble after negative feedback.

Good self-esteem is also connected to good mental health. People with good self-esteem don’t get stressed easily. They are not bothered by a few negative comments and they don’t sweat the small stuff.

Just a side note: Teens who are easily jealous are likely to suffer from very low self esteem.


4 Scientific Tips to Boost Self-esteem.


Tip 1 is to set high expectations for ourselves. When we set high goals, we will perform at a higher level.

If you expect yourself to reach that goal, you most likely will reach it. It works for many people. So when we finally achieve that high goal, we will feel a boost of confidence.


Tip 2 is to be more optimistic. People with good self-esteem believe that bad events are temporary.

Also, they don’t shoot themselves for failures. They look for other factors which also lead to the failure.

For example, Jane bought a new drawer for her new house and it came with unclear instructions and many parts to fix together. A pessimist will think this way: ‘What a fool I am! I can’t even assemble a small drawer!’

However, Jane being one with good self-esteem, will think: ‘I’m not fixing the drawer properly. I’m going to get my friend to help me with this. The instructions are not clear anyway.’

She does not take the blame 100%, which preserves her confidence.


Tip 3 is to practise public speaking.

If we can stand in front of an audience – even in a small meeting – and make people understand our ideas, we will feel confident. This means we are watching facial expressions and speaking directly to our audience. (Not merely reading from a PowerPoint slide:) )

Making successful presentations has been a self-esteem booster for millions of students.


Tip 4 is to be resilient. This means convincing ourselves that we can conquer embarrassing events and challenges.

Successful people have made more mistakes than the average person. They can bounce back from their mistakes fast. If we crumble after every mistake, it will crush our confidence.

To summarise this post, these are the 4 scientific ways to build our self-esteem:

Set high expectations

 Being optimistic

 Practise public speaking

 Being resilient.

Have a good start to 2018. 🙂 

E + R = O



E + R = O

(Event + Response = Outcome)

What’s E + R = O ?

Let’s say a child scored low marks for his English exams. This is the ‘event’.

The child can choose to respond by changing his studying strategy or…by giving up.

His response will control the ‘outcome’.

If he chooses to change study habits, he might score higher marks in the next exam.

If he chooses to give up, chances are, his marks will dip.

We can’t change the ‘events’ in our lives, but we can control our ‘response’ to get a good ‘outcome’. 🙂

3 Tips to be More Productive Everyday for 2018


Hi! Today I’ll be sharing 3 tips to help you or your children make your days more productive.

Being busy doesn’t mean you are being productive.

Being productive means getting high-quality work done in a short time. So how do we produce good quality work in a shorter time?


3 Tips to be Productive Everyday


Tip number 1 is focus on just 3 action steps per day.

This means taking out your organiser or your phone and typing out only 3 things to do TODAY which help you reach your ‘big goal’.

Let’s say your big goal is to finish your work in the office by 6pm everyday. Or to score a B in your Maths mid-year exam.

Write down 3 things you can do today to help you reach that.

If you do this everyday, you should be closer to getting that B or finishing your work on time like you planned.

These 3 action steps by the way, should not be about running errands, doing laundry or the daily grind. The 3 steps should bring you closer to a ‘big goal’ that you have.



Tip number 2 is know your Peak Work Time.

You’ll notice that you are super creative or hyper productive during a certain time everyday. It’s usually a 3-hour window. Maybe you are most productive from 11-2pm, 8pm-11pm or 7-10am. Everyone is different.

Do your important tasks during your peak work time. If you do this, you’ll produce high-quality work which makes you feel happy and satisfied.

So maximise your Peak Work Time and get all the important tasks done during that 3-hour window.

Your less important tasks can be done after or before that.



Tip number 3 is do your worst task first.

Get the most dreadful task done first thing in the morning.

When the most dreaded task is over and done with, you will feel a sense of achievement. This sets a good tone to your entire day.

Prepare yourself to do this ‘hated’ task the night before.

Write it down on a piece of paper, gather all the materials you need to do this dreadful task and just execute the next morning.

When you start the day finishing the most unpleasant task first, you’ll feel good and get more things done than most other people in your office or school later in the day.

So I hope these 3 tips help you or your child be more productive.

If you like this video and think it will help your friends and family, share this video with them.

Have a good week!

Motivation: 1 Way to Excite Ourselves About Work or School


In this blog post, I’ll be sharing 1 way for us to become excited about work, our business or day-to-day duties in a more detailed manner.

(You can apply this to your children to get them excited about school too.)

So the secret to becoming excited about our lives is to dream big.

What’s the link between dreaming big and getting excited about work or school?

Dreaming big will give us motivation every single day. When we dream big, our minds will go a little wild and we’ll feel excited, joyful, happy, confident – you name it.

In fact, our dreams or goals should make us excited. If they don’t, it means we need to dream much bigger…until we feel the excitement.


What Drives You to Work Everyday?


Let’s say you need to motivate yourself to go to work today. What are your big dreams which push you to work everyday?

Are you saving money for a 3-month holiday? Saving money to pay for your HDB flat in full? Saving money to give your child the best of everything? Saving money so you can quit your job? Start a small business?

As long as your big goal makes you excited, it should push you out of the house and make going to work a little easier 🙂 

If you are a stay-home-parent, you can also have a big goal. For example, your goal might be to coach your child until he or she gets straight As in the next exam. Or you might have a goal to coach your child such that he or she will be able to enter university in future.


How to Get our Children Excited about School


You can excite your children about school by asking them to dream big too.

Maybe they have a seemingly far-fetched dream such as wanting to be an astronaut or to be a world-famous actress. It doesn’t matter.

You can link their dreams with school.


My Experience…


When I was a school counsellor, I had a student who was passionate about being a famous actor on the Suria channel. He told me, ‘I don’t need to pass my ‘N’ Levels to be a famous actor. So I don’t need to study.’

To make him more driven about school, I linked his dream to school. I told him, “If you want to be a big star in Singapore, you’ll have to play many roles – an actor, TV host, singer and more.

“To be a big star in Singapore,” I told him, “you need to be fluent in Malay and English. You need to be disciplined. You need people skills. You need to express yourself clearly and think quickly on your feet.”

So where can he learn all these skills?

I told him that he will learn all these skills by taking part in school events.

For instance, joining CCAs, performing onstage during Teachers’ Day or other school events. Actively taking part in class, asking questions and making presentations in class. Last but not least, making an effort to excel in English and Malay.

The student digested everything I said. He agreed with me although I could see he wanted a shortcut and the easy way out. He wanted to just skive off school and magically become a successful actor.

I had to inform him that big stars are very intelligent people. You may not need straight ‘A’s to be a successful star, but you’ll still need good people skills and working habits – habits which you pick up in school.

So that is an example of how you can link your child’s ambitions – no matter how far-fetched they seem – to school.

Once they see how school can help them achieve their big dreams, they will be more excited about school, CCAs and school activities.

As long as their dreams get them excited about school, it’s good enough.

Their ambitions will change as time passes. As long as they have big dreams at any point of time, they will be motivated to do their best.

That’s all for today and I hope it helps.

Have a good week.