Stuck writing captions for social media? This may help. (3 Free Inspirational + High-Engagement Captions for you to use on Instagram)

Do you struggle coming up with captions for social media?

You may be a brilliant writer but sometimes your mind goes blank when you are supposed to write meaningful captions.

It takes so much energy to craft captions! (I’m talking about meaningful captions - not one-liners!)

So if you want to get 3 free high-engagement, motivational captions to post on Instagram, I’ll send them to you!

Writing captions is like mini-blogging.

Good captions inspire, motivate or evoke some kind of emotion. Or, they are helpful and serve your audience.

Oh, and you need calls to action too.

What is a ‘call to action’ in a caption?

‘Calls to action’ are something like these:

  • “Double tap if you like this post!”

  • “Send this to a friend who needs to hear this today.”

  • “Leave an emoji if you are working on a big goal right now.”

  • “Go to the link in my bio if you want a Goal Setting cheatsheet to achieve your goals for the new year.”

If you want people to click the link in your bio, be sure to give them something SPECIFIC with specific RESULTS.

For example:

“Grab a Goal-Setting worksheet to help you achieve goals for the new year via the link in my bio. Limited time only!”

“Get my Morning Routine eBook so that you can be productive everyday. Link in my bio for a limited time!”

If you want to save time and have 1-2 months’ of high-engagement Instagram captions done for you, these 31 Motivational Captions for Coaches will lift the weight off your shoulders.


Three FREE Motivational Captions for you to use on Instagram

To start you off on writing meaningful and high-converting captions, I’ve created 3 FREE life-changing captions which you can cut and paste on to Instagram or Facebook.

If you like these 3 free captions and want to have 1-2 months of captions sorted out, you will find these cut-and-paste 31 high-engagement captions a lifesaver.

That’s all for now. Have a good week!


engagement instagram captions