(Free Printable) How to Start Finding Your Purpose and Improve Self Worth


I’ll be sharing 4 ways to help you find your bigger purpose and increase your self-worth.

The reason I want to write about finding your purpose is because it will help you feel worthy in life.

You may be jobless, single, an ‘outcast’ or ‘weird’ but if you know your bigger purpose, those labels won’t bother you.

Finding our purpose is simple but not easy.

Because nobody can tell you if your purpose is right or wrong. So we’ll fumble through life trying new things until we feel inner peace.

If you learn better by watching videos, you can watch the video I created specially for this blog post:

I'll be sharing 4 ways for you to find your life purpose. This will help improve your self-worth! Join me in this video if you want to be 1 step closer to finding your bigger purpose in life.

If you want a shortcut and get one step closer to finding out what your purpose is, you can download ‘My Life Purpose’ Action Sheet below.

Let’s begin!

1. Purpose and joy are interlinked.

I am not a spirituality expert.

But the experts always link ‘finding your purpose’ with what gives us ‘joy’.

According to them, our emotions act as a compass in our lives.

So if we feel joyful, free and light doing something, that activity is linked to our purpose in this life.

If we feel dread, heaviness and fear, we are probably not supposed to do that thing.

It sounds rather simple.

I want to add ‘fulfilment’ to this:

Joy + Fulfilment = Our Bigger Purpose

If you can find work which give you BOTH joy and fulfilment, you are lucky.

I want to be practical here and say that in all the work we do, there will be aspects we dislike.

But if overall, you feel joy and fulfilment 70% of the time, you are in a good place!

2. What are your natural talents?

Aha. Do you know what your natural talents are?

Your natural talent(s) is something:

  • which is easy for you to do, but challenging for other people

  • in fact, sometimes you are bewildered at how other people do not know what you know!

  • which you love doing since you were about 6 years old. (Take note that you may be suppressing these talents during your childhood if your parents disapproved of them)

Sometimes you discover your natural talents when you are much older.

And that is okay because all our life journeys are different.

Again, if something is effortless for you to do but difficult for some other people, it may be your natural talent.

3. Ask people for their opinions!

I like this suggestion.

If you are truly clueless, start asking your trusted friends, family members, colleagues for their perspective on your talents.

You will notice some similarities in their responses.

If you feel embarrassed asking people “What do you think I’m talented in?” you can tell them your perspective on their talents and then asking them to return the favour.

If you still can’t get yourself to ask other people what your talents are, you might find my article How Not to Care What Other People Think and Live Your Purpose’ helpful!

4. Complete ‘My Life Purpose’ Action Sheet

I created ‘My Life Purpose’ Action Sheet to help you get 1 step closer to finding your purpose.

I feel strongly for women building their self worth!

Self worth will ensure you stay comfortable in your own skin even if life throws curveballs at you.

You will remain calm and level-headed even if you don’t fit in. Even if you lose your job. Even if you lose a relationship.

Because you know that you have a much bigger purpose on this Earth.

My last thought on finding your purpose and improving self worth

Everyone has a ‘medicine’ which helps heal the people around them. What’s yours?

It’s time to find out!

Meanwhile, have a good week.

