How to Coach Mental Self Care to Clients & Empower Them During Stressful Times (free Brandable Coaching Resource!)

I’ve created a FREE Self Care for Mental Well-Being coaching tool just for life coaches like you.

It helps your followers + clients to reduce negative emotions & feel empowered to take action when facing challenging days.

You can even brand this free tool in Canva and use it as a free lead magnet or during coaching calls!

This free self-care coaching tool is part of my brandable18-page Self-Care Workbook which you can use with clients or sell in your online shop.

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If you want a free brandable coaching resource, this free Self Care Action Sheet for Mental Well-Being tool can be sent to your inbox ASAP. Simply enter your email address + name below:

How can you use this free + brandable self-care coaching tool with your clients & followers?

This Self Care Action Sheet for Mental Well-Being worksheet prompts your followers and clients to pinpoint their emotions at the moment and take action to reduce those emotions.

Many times, we may feel down or negative, but unsure of what the exact emotions are.

Thus, the 1st question in this Self Care for Mental Well-Being coaching tool is: How do I feel at this moment?

This question forces them to tune inwards, be aware of their emotions and identify 3-5 of them.

The 2nd question in this Self-Care for Mental Well-Being coaching tool is: What do I need right now?

Ideally, the answers should be broad, such as “I need to relax and ‘let go’ of perfectionism right now” , “I need some enjoyment in my life right now” , “I need support and help right now” and so on.

The 3rd question in this coaching tool is : What SPECIFIC actions can I do to make me feel better right now?

This is where your followers or clients will write specific actions which will reduce the negative emotions in Question 1.

Examples include: “I will go to a nearby cafe to get a good cup of coffee to relax my mind” or “I will get my husband to handle the chores tonight to reduce my overwhelm”, etc.

This Self Care Action Sheet for Mental Well-being coaching tool is designed for use on challenging days (or ‘bad days’ as we like to call them!).

Want to launch your own Self Care Workbook by the end of today… even if you are busy juggling everything on your to-do list?

Well, you can grab my done-for-you 18-page Self Care Workbook which you can brand with your own logo using Canva!

You can also edit its text, change the images & colour scheme to make the Self Care Workbook truly unique to your brand.

Creating high-quality workbooks can take weeks of research, writing and designing.

Well, you can now focus on serving your clients + followers and leave the workbook creation to me.

I’m here to help you grow your business + create a difference to the world fast.

If you have questions regarding my done-for-you Self Care Workbook, feel free to email me at

Have a good week ahead.
