Free BRANDABLE Perfectionism Test to Boost your Followers’ Self-Awareness + Grow Your Mailing List as a Coach

I have created a FREE Perfectionism Test which you can use as a simple perfectionism assessment tool for your followers and coaching clients.

You can use the 10 questions in this (free) Test as coaching questions for perfectionism too.

If you want more coaching exercises for perfectionism, you can always get my 27-page Overcome Perfectionism Workbook to use as a guide when coaching, as coaching homework, for group coaching or even to use as a mega-valuable lead magnet to grow your subscribers’ list.

Your followers will thank you for helping them kickstart their journey to reduce perfectionism and live with more joy.

You can download the free brandable Perfectionism Test below:

Readers LOVE quizzes and tests - people love learning more about themselves! This free Perfectionism Test is part of my 27-page Overcome Perfectionism Workbook available in my Shop.

This Perfectionism Test has a full score of 10. If your followers score more than 5, they have some perfectionistic traits. 

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You can use it to get your readers to sign up for your mailing list to get this Perfectionism Test delivered to their inbox.

If your readers are eager to go one step further and tame their perfectionism, that is when you can sell my Overcome Perfectionism Workbook OR coach them using my Overcome Perfectionism Workbook as a guide.

Why do we have to encourage our followers to reduce perfectionism? Isn’t it a much desired trait?

Well, perfectionism has its ‘rewards’ and also countless weaknesses. Perfectionists have a fear of failure and tie their self-worth to external factors (such as work). 

Many perfectionists cannot accept criticism, they burn out easily and they tend to always be stressed out. They place high standards on themselves and are rarely satisfied with their own achievements.

As you can see, it is a highly stressful way to live. Their progress and success is also slow because they spend too much time obsessing on mistakes and small decisions.

Perfectionists have high standards, and if they welcome mistakes and are happy to take some risks, they can enjoy more achievements and feel happier everyday.

The FREE brandable Perfectionism Test is the first step for your readers and followers in this journey. Download it below to use as a lead magnet or with your clients!

You can also get the Overcome Perfectionism Workbook to sell to them or coach them with this Workbook as your personal guide.

This Overcome Perfectionism Workbook is brandable in Canva. It helps your followers to:

  • Challenge their all-or-nothing beliefs (which is the core cause of perfectionism)

  • expand their perfectionistic thoughts + be more positive

  • Beat perfectionism-procrastinating + get their goals ticked off everyday

  • Be comfortable with making mistakes + enjoy more small wins & success in future

You can use sections of the Overcome Perfectionism Workbook as:

  • coaching material + coaching homework for 1-1 coaching clients

  • material for group coaching sessions

  • blog content

  • a lead magnet to attract more subscribers to your list

  • material for your online courses

As you can see, you can use the Overcome Perfectionism Workbook in many ways.

As always, you will feel confident using my materials as you will be riding on my almost-5-years experience as a counsellor in a government ministry.

I wish you all the best in your business and may you attract much abundance and success.



( If you have questions, feel free to email me at )

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