How to use a Self Exploration Tool to coach Self Acceptance and Self Love (Free Self Exploration PDF Worksheet)

Want a coaching tool for self love? Use my free 7-page Self Exploration PDF coaching tool to help your coaching clients with self-acceptance, which is the first step towards self love. This life coaching tool is free for you to use as a lead magnet or during coaching sessions. More details below!

I feel inspired to write about self exploration and self discovery as I believe some of you may want insight in this area.

If you want a FREE self exploration PDF tool with 35 questions to help your audience start their self-acceptance and self-awareness journey, you can leave your email address below.

The FREE self-exploration PDF tool has a simple design with no branding. Hence, the design should be neutral enough for most businesses to use. You can use the free self exploration PDF tool during coaching sessions, or even give it away as a lead magnet if you wish!

self exploration PDF tool

What if you want an editable version of this Self Exploration Tool to make it unique to your brand?

If you want to go one step further and

  • brand this Self Exploration Tool with your logo

  • Switch to your branding colours

  • add more questions

  • and sell it in your online shop,

You can get the (paid version) Canva editable version of the Self Exploration Tool here.

If you want to brand the self exploration tool , you can get the editable version from my shop. Or you may choose to download the FREE PDF version below!

If you want to brand the self exploration tool , you can get the editable version from my shop. Or you may choose to download the FREE PDF version below!


You can get the brandable version of the Self Exploration tool from my shop here.

If you want to see ALL the 35 questions in this self exploration tool first, read on below.

Why would your clients need a self exploration tool?

Self exploration is the first step towards self acceptance and self love. It involves knowing yourself - the good and the not-so-ideal with absolute clarity.

Some of you may be amused and think, “How can anyone not know what they like or do not like? How can anyone not know what values they believe in?”

Some of your audience or coaching clients may need help discovering themselves especially if they grew up in environments where they were highly controlled or told that their likes and dislikes are not ‘right’.

In order to get their parents’ approval, they may abandon their authentic selves and ‘mold’ themselves to be a version which is approved by Mum or Dad.

They grew up confused when making decisions, not even sure what they like or do not like, not trusting their intuition, blindly following other people’s opinions, going against their intuition and basically feeling lost and disempowered. And they may be constantly battling between following their gut and what other people tell them to do.

Needless to say, their self-esteem and self-worth are generally low. They may live lives according to other people’s wants.

The first step to self acceptance and eventually blooming into a more esteemed person is self exploration.

What questions should you ask when coaching self exploration and self acceptance?

Basic, elementary questions such as their favourite colour, favorite movies etc, are a good start for self discovery. We may be quick to pooh-pooh or dismiss these 3rd grade level questions: but some may not even be aware of their everyday preferences!

So what are the 35 self exploration questions included in this Self Exploration Coaching Tool?

  1. What is my favourite food and why?

  2. What is my favourite colour and why?

  3. What is my favourite movie and why?

  4. Who is my celebrity and why do you admire him or her?

  5. What are my top 3 hobbies and why?

  6. What is my favourite book and why?

  7. What is my love language?

  8. What do I think makes me unique?

  9. Who are the people I love?

  10. What do I want to experience in the future and why?

We can explore their past to make them comfortable with these moments which are part of their lives:

  1. What was my hobby as a child and why?

  2. What was my favourite memory growing up and why?

  3. What was I praised or complimented on as a child?

  4. What books and movies did I enjoy back then?

  5. Who were my best friends and why did I like them?

We can go one step deeper and explore their thoughts and opinions:

  1. What are my top 3 values in life and why?

  2. What qualities do I admire in a friend?

  3. What are my top 3 triggers and why?

  4. What is my most embarrassing memory?

  5. If I had no fear, what would I be doing?

  6. What do I like about my work?

  7. What are my proudest achievements?

  8. What do I always daydream or wish for?

  9. What is my biggest regret?

  10. What are 3 things I am very grateful for?

  11. How do I react or express my frustration?

  12. How do I react when I am happy about something?

  13. What are my strengths?

  14. What are my areas for growth?

  15. One negative feedback I’ve received.

  16. What is one thing I keep a secret from most of my friends?

  17. What is the biggest challenge I’ve overcome?

  18. I wish I had done _______________ better.

  19. What advice would I give to a 10-years-younger version of myself?

  20. What is one way I have contributed to the world or my community?

There are no right or wrong answers and all answers are valid.

It’s fine to revisit these questions as time passes because their answers may change with life experience.

Once they’ve answered these questions honestly, affirm them for their being courageous enough to do so. Being vulnerable and coming face to face with the less-than-desirable aspects of our lives needs courage.

Want to download and print this Self Exploration Tool for your coaching sessions? I’ll email it to your email address:

Reflection questions to ask after your clients have completed the Self Exploration Tool:

  1. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being most comfortable), did you feel uncomfortable or completely at ease completing this action sheet? Why?

  2. Which questions made you feel uncomfortable? Did you catch yourself suppressing some memories?

  3. Which questions made you feel good about yourself?

You may also complete the Self Exploration Tool for yourself to see if any emotions, additional questions or thoughts cross your mind.

Want an editable version of this Self Exploration Coaching Tool to make it unique to your brand?

You can grab the Canva-editable and brandable version of this Self Exploration Coaching Tool to make it true to your brand.

That’s all from me today.

Take care and blessings,


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