Stressed that you are not a big-name coach?

We are not all destined to be Oprah or Gabby Bernstein - we have our own paths .

“Your life purpose does not have to involve changing the WHOLE world. 

Your purpose can be fulfilled by changing YOUR world.”

I clicked ‘pause’ on the YouTube video I was watching. It was a video by Sonia Choquette - intuitive coach extraordinaire.

Is Ms. Choquette right? 

Is changing our own little ‘world’ enough for us to say we are living our ‘life purpose’?

I had the thinking that if I am not the next big entrepreneur who makes 7 digits per year, I’m not fulfilling my biggest potential. And my life purpose journey has fallen short.

But - not all of us are destined to be big-name coaches like Gabby Bernstein or Denise Duffield-Thomas. (Or worse, comparing ourselves to Queen Oprah!)

When you make just ONE person feel good about themselves, it has a ripple effect.

Let’s look at how this cycle works

You make a frazzled mother feel good about trying her best even though she feels like a failure > She got in a good mood > And attended to her kids cheerfully that day > Her kids were happy to have a present + relaxed Mum > They got in a good mood too 

If you shift the vibe of just one person, her whole community benefits from it.

So don’t be disheartened if you are spreading light and positive messages around but feel that you are just impacting ‘one’ person.

That ‘one’ person will extend your positivity to her circle. And this circle will grow.

So thank you for the work that you do, coaches.



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FREE (BRANDABLE) Discover Your Gifts Coaching Tool + NEW Discover Your Life Purpose Workbook

I have created a FREE Discover Your Gifts and Talents coaching tool which you can download and use with your clients.

Hey Coaches - if you are thinking of launching a Discover Your Purpose program, you will love this new brandable workbook!

I have created a FREE Discover Your Gifts and Talents coaching tool which you can download and use with your clients at the bottom of this post.

I want to genuinely help you coaches create positive change in this world in an easy way.

That is why I have created a Discover Your Life Purpose and Passion Workbook which you can brand and use with your clients.


So how can your clients transform with this Discover your Life Purpose & Passion Coaching Workbook?

  1. Discover their unique gifts + talents and being authentic to themselves

  2. Learn how to discover their true life purpose + start experiencing clarity

  3. Start finding their true passions + honour them

  4. Learn how to make the BEST decisions with my Value Score Method

  5. Uncover their authentic life values and respect them

Can you personalise this Workbook?

Yes, you can swap the images, tweak the branding colours in the Challenge workbook to be in sync with your brand.

Want the free and brandable Discover your Gifts and Talents coaching tool?

Use this as a lead magnet to get more subscribers, or as content for your blog and save time!

Take care, thank you for the work that you do and may you have a wonderful day today.



PS: In short, I have created Discover Your Life Purpose Workbook which you can edit and use with your clients. Save your time and energy and spare yourself all the headaches associated with creating coaching content!

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Make the BEST business decisions with this method

Coaches, if you can’t sleep at night obsessing over business decisions, this method can clear your mind.

Coaches, if you can’t sleep at night obsessing over business decisions, this method can clear your mind.

I’m sure you have pictured many ways to expand and get more reach for your coaching business.

Maybe you feel tempted to offer ‘ABC’ service to your clients because you are very driven to hit a six-figure income this year.

Maybe you have considered creating 10 Instagram Stories everyday to stay relevant to your audience. (Even though you know in the deepest corner of your heart that you are going to hate doing all these)

I’ve been there too.

I will share one method for you to get crystal clear on your decisions so that you can continue to enjoy running your business.

If you are lost and indecisive if you should offer this extra service or that, take note of your core life values.

Sounds boring at first glance, yes?

Well, you can start by listing down your top 5 life values. I will give mine as an example.

My current list - in order of importance

  1. Freedom

  2. Health (including mental health)

  3. Relationships and friendships

  4. Wealth

  5. Fun

You can then create your business to line up with your values - especially your top 3 values.

For example, I choose not to offer 1-1 services right now although I get emails almost everyday requesting for custom workbooks.

At this moment, offering 1-1 services does not fulfil my HIGH need for freedom.

And stressing over deadlines - coupled with my need to produce high quality work - will affect my mental health.

Take note of your values before collaborating, launching a service, introducing a new system, trying a new marketing tactic - you name it.

Your values will change as time passes.

So your business is likely going to shape-shift to meet your values and not remain the same - provided that you honour your values.

I feel called to share this info with you after watching too many motivational YouTube videos last week, thanks to a flu bug. What a fun week it was.

Meanwhile, let’s send our blessings to people who need them and pray for peace.


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coaching tool Me coaching tool Me

Two FREE Self-Care Coaching Captions for your Instagram (Done-for-you content for coaches)

Typing out long, meaningful captions on Instagram can give you a major headache if you are feeling frazzled running your own coaching business! I have self care coaching captions for you to use on your Instagram free of charge. Let me do the creating and writing - you just copy and paste my work on your Instagram page!

Whenever I click open my IG app and scroll through the feeds of big name coaches, I see that many of them write long, meaningful captions.

These six-or-seven figure coaches have the cash to get writers to help them with writing.

But if you are at the starting point of your coaching business, hiring a writer can be a pinch to your finances.

Because of that, I’m giving you two free MEANINGFUL self-care captions which you can copy-and-paste on your IG today.

If you are excited to have your IG content done + scheduled for this month, you can grab my bundle of 20 Self Care Captions + 20 images.

So you can...

  •  Build credibility as a coach on IG

  •  Be seen as an authority in coaching

  •  Save your time and focus on coaching clients

  •  Spend less on writers!

Of course you will be curious to see what these self-care captions look like.

Grab these two free captions below.

Or you can jump straight to grabbing the 20 Self Care Captions + Images bundle and immediately schedule everything using or Planoly.

Take advantage of the blood, sweat and tears I put in to write these 20 captions! (ok, that was a bit of an exaggeration…)

But these captions are like mini blog posts, so you can imagine the work that goes behind creating them.

Want 2 FREE Self Care captions from this 20-captions super bundle?

Type your email address below and wait for them to appear in your inbox.

That’s all from me today :)

Blessings always.


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Create an Inner Critic Log and see the thought patterns holding you back!

Coaches, if you are not sure what is holding you back, it may be your own self-defeating thoughts! Create your own Inner Critic Log and come face-to-face with your own thought patterns.

I was chilling out, swiping the pages of an ebook about self-care and my eyes were drawn to a technique on how to create an ‘Inner Critic Log’.

Right now, I am furiously writing a self-compassion workbook which you coaches can sell or use with your clients.

I will sometimes scan books to get inspiration and ‘aha’ moments to create workbooks which can transform lives - such as this one.

As I was flipping through a self-care ebook for fresh insight, it mentions an 'Inner Critic Log'.

I hopped on this idea right away because I am curious to see what my thought patterns are.

I do this the easy-peasy way - I click open my Notes app in my iPhone, type 'Inner Critic Log' as the title and tap any negative thoughts which cross my mind.

This is what I got within a span of one hour:

I typed fast, so please ignore the shortcuts + errors in my Inner Critic Log above! :)

Coming face to face with your thoughts is powerful.

The next time these thoughts pop up in my head, I recognise them as “Aha, my inner critic is at work again.”

I erase this list at the end of the day and create a fresh list in my Notes app on a new day.

I will admit that I don't do this everyday - only on days when I feel lost, confused or unmotivated.

Your thoughts are not facts.

They are created from social conditioning, your own past experiences and your upbringing.

Have the courage to type or write down your negative thoughts whenever you notice them.

That's all I have for you today to motivate you on your journey as a coach!

See you in my next blog post.



PS: If you are rushing to put together a workbook or content about goal-setting, you can grab my ready-to-use goal-setting journal. And take a breather for this week and next!

Coaching Tools + Exercises to grow your business

Want to inspire your followers to set goals? Grab this Goal-Setting Journal and create group coaching sessions with the content inside!

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