(Free Coaching Tool) How to Teach Your Coaching Clients to Smash Their Self-Critical Thoughts Once and For All


I will be sharing a 2-step method and a free coaching tool to teach your clients how to overcome their self-critical thoughts. This helps them feel more assured and confident of themselves.

I created a Thought Challenging Diary action sheet which you can download and use with your clients.

It’s unbranded so you can use it

  • with your coaching clients

  • as a lead magnet to get subscribers

  • in your coaching workshops

  • during prospect meetings or discovery calls 

Teaching someone to overcome self-critical thoughts is not easy. It takes months and even years for someone to change deep-rooted thoughts.

We can bring awareness to their self-critical nature. Awareness is always the start of healing.

Coaches can’t save everyone as much as we want to. We do the best that we can and even if the client improves just 10%, we can celebrate. 

It is difficult for anyone to change even a small habit. So any positive change is a victory. 

Coaching is a long-term process. I’ve worked as a counsellor and I have heard of ‘bosses’ who wanted counsellors to change someone’s behaviour in 6 counselling sessions.

That’s, err, crazy.

Anyway, I digress. 

Let’s get started with how you can teach your clients to balance some of their self-critical thoughts.

If you want to download my coaching tool, the Thought Challenging Diary, feel free to do so below. You are free to use it with your clients, in coaching workshops or even as a lead magnet!

How do we teach someone to overcome their self-critical thoughts?

Step 1: Get your clients to answer these 4 questions.

  • "How will my friend (insert best friend’s name) view this situation?"

  • "If I’m in a good mood and feeling happy, how will I view this situation?"

  • "Is there any other perspective to view this situation?"

  • "What advice will I give my friend Karen if she has this same unhelpful thought?"

Give them time to think through the questions. We want in-depth answers. At least 5 long sentences. 

Step 2: Get your clients to complete the Thought Challenging Diary Action Sheet

This is where we will challenge their self-critical thoughts with evidence and facts.

There is a certain kind of freedom and joy that comes with it.

This is how we do it:

Let’s say your client’s most distressing thought is:

"I’m a failure - I give up easily and not had success with many activities I start. This project is going to be the same."

We will find evidence supporting that thought and evidence challenging that thought.

You can see how I completed the Thought Challenging Diary coaching tool below:

Thought Challenging Diary by Shikah Anuar_blog image.png

It's now their turn to complete the Thought Challenging Diary with their self-critical thoughts. They will feel more in control of their thoughts and their lives after this exercise.

You can allocate one sheet for each self-critical thought your client has.

You can download the Thought Challenging Diary tool below:

And…if you want to save time as a coach, coach clients with counsellor-approved tools or even earn more income on the side, you will be interested in my done-for-you 22 Self-Esteem Worksheets Bundle.

Self-Esteem Toolkit Listing Image 2.png

You can add your own logo.

Use your branding colours.

Resell in your online shop.

Add your personal touch. Save time so you can focus on coaching and not spend time researching to create good quality materials.

Use the worksheets with your online coaching clients, in coaching workshops or even sell the worksheets individually on your website (for real). 

It’s a good deal for now because I just launched this Self-Esteem Worksheets Bundle.

If you have questions, you can email me at shikah@shikahanuar.com :)

Meanwhile, have a good week.

More free coaching tools for you…

