21 Journal Prompts to Build Your Self Worth Instantly


I will be sharing 21 self worth journal prompts to help you feel worthy of all the wonderful things life has to offer. 

The meaning of ‘self worth’ in simple terms

Many have asked me whether self esteem and self worth are the same things. 

Self-worth is how much you value yourself without your looks, your job, your achievements.

Self-esteem is how you think and feel about yourself and this is usually linked to your achievements, contributions and your work.

I would think that having a strong self worth is priceless. Should you be fired from your job or lose your abilities, will you still think of yourself as worthy? Or useless?

If you are curious to know whether you have low or high self esteem, you can take a reliable and easy test here.

Why these self worth journal prompts work

These self worth journal prompts force you to come up with answers to questions you avoid.

We avoid certain self worth questions because we don’t feel comfortable admitting that we have good qualities.

Sounds ironic? But some of us suffer from self worth wounds which are that deep.

If you can’t accept that you are made of wonderful qualities, ask yourself: “What is wrong with admitting that we are caring, loyal, generous, understanding, (insert other good characteristics you have) etc?”

Maybe you are afraid of people seeing you as boastful. Or as a show-off or an overconfident prick.

Or perhaps you are afraid of being wrong. What if you think you are ‘caring’ but other people don’t agree? That is horrifying.

My advice is: Everyone has their own opinions about you. Some people think you are arrogant when in fact you are shy.

Some may think you are lazy when in reality, you are highly anxious about taking action towards something.

So go on and toot your own horn. Accept that you have many, many good qualities within you. (And so do most other people. It’s nothing to be shy about.)

How to do self worth journalling prompts and boost self esteem the right way

If you are a beginner to journalling, you may find this how-to video helpful!

JOURNAL CLUB! Every Tuesday & Friday I post a journal prompt to help keep you motivated and working on yourself! JOIN NOW: https://www.youtube.com/katimorton...

21 days of self worth journal prompts to boost your self esteem and self worth

Spend 5-10 minutes per question per day. The longer you allocate for these prompts, the better your answers will be.

  • Day 1: If your confidence increases by 20%, how would your life be different?

  • Day 2: If you have no fear, what will you be doing today?

  • Day 3: Who are 3 fearless women whom you admire? (They can be celebrities or people you know)

  • Day 4:If you do not care what people think, what will you be doing today?

  • Day 5: What can you do not to care about what other people think of you?

  • Day 6: What qualities do you have which you admire in other people?

  • Day 7: What are 3 talents or skills you have which you are proud of?

  • Day 8: What are 3 of your proudest achievements? (You can create your own success log here)

  • Day 9: Who are 3 people whose lives will be greatly affected if you are not around?

  • Day 10: If you visualise yourself as the woman you aspire to be, how would you act or dress differently today?

  • Day 11: What is one thing you are fearful of, but want to overcome?

  • Day 12: Name one thing you are envious about in another woman. (I’m referring to healthy envy, not jealousy!) What can you do to get there? 

  • Day 13: I challenge you to ‘love what is’ today. This means loving your less than perfect apartment, appreciating not having a job at the moment, loving the fact that you have no plans today etc. Just love today the way it is. How does it make you feel?

  • Day 14: What is one thing you want badly in your life? What can you do to get that thing?

  • Day 15: What skills or talents do you have which people will pay for? Who are the people who have made money this way? How do they get successful doing this?

  • Day 16: List 10 activities which always put you in a good mood. Who are the people involved?

  • Day 17: What do you think is your bigger purpose in life? What can you do effortlessly which makes people feel good or make the world a better place?

  • Day 18: What do people compliment you about? If you can’t think of anything, ask trusted people what they think are your good qualities.

  • Day 19: Take a piece of paper and write your good qualities on it in full sentences. Give yourself 5 minutes for this exercise.

  • Day 20: Write a letter to a younger version of yourself (10 years younger). What are the good things which have happened over the years? How have your life and self esteem improved? What advice would you give your 10-years-younger self? (You get the idea)

  • Day 21: What are 3 of your ‘weaknesses’? How can your ‘weaknesses’ be useful or be seen as strengths? (You can also do this thoughts exercise to re-frame negative thoughts to become more positive thoughts).

Ready to start these self worth journal prompts?

Remember to allocate 5-10 minutes for each of these prompts every day.

Write continuously for 21 days - don’t skip days or you will be tempted to skip more days in between! 

Self worth journal prompts can make you feel worthy over time. If you do a prompt everyday, you will get somewhere at the end of the 21 days.

You may be interested in my Self Esteem Journal which is packed with 21self-esteem exercises to build a confident mindset.

Have a good week!


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