How to write Highly-Engaging Social Media Captions for Life Coaches + 5 Free High-Converting Social Media Captions examples

Today, I will share 4 ways to be an ‘authority’ and build trust with your followers on social media.

Engagement is great because you will be seen as an authority in life coaching. Building trust is also important because it’s the basis of getting more sales and coaching clients.

That’s why I created 50 high-converting captions specially tailored for coaches to skyrocket your engagement and blow up your list of subscribers.

You can have 5 of these high-converting captions for free below:

So, back to the topic on hand: How do we build trust and build authority on social media?

Strategy #1: Your writing has to spark an emotion 

When your followers read your posts, they HAVE to feel something.

Decide whether you want them to feel

  1. Empowered

  2. Inspired

  3. Motivated

  4. Understood

  5. Hopeful

  6. (Insert another emotion)

Then, craft your caption to evoke the emotion you want them to feel.

If you can make them feel understood and increase their feelings of self-worth, you are on the right track!

If you want 5 high-converting social media captions to boost self-worth in your followers AND boost your engagement, click below:

Strategy #2: Being sincere and genuine about wanting to help your followers

It’s easy to get wrapped up in our to-do lists, making sure our social media posts tick the right boxes and stressing about choosing the ‘right’ content to post.

It’s good to remind yourself why you started this life coaching business in the first place!

When you write a caption, a blog post or anything at all, be genuine about it. If you are not feeling it that day, postpone writing to another day when you feel inspired to create a change in your followers.

Being genuine is important because all of us can see when someone is authentic on social media versus someone who is merely pretending to care. 

I have to say that being genuine means you have to show a little vulnerability at times. 

This means, if you feel upset, you mention it in your writing. If you feel happy, you acknowledge it. Showing this ‘real’ side of you makes you more likeable.

You may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s fine! The people who can relate to you will gravitate towards you. These people who can vibe with you are the ones you want as clients and customers!

If you want 5 genuine high-converting captions to use on IG and Facebook, get them for free below:

Strategy #3: Be conversational and keep it simple when writing!

Write as though you are speaking to your followers.

This is more relatable than writing something in perfect English! 

It’s also more fun to read than reading walls of text with jargon and complicated concepts.

Write in such a way that even a 12-year-old can understand your concept. I’m not saying that you will have to write in a child-like way. Not at all! 

What I mean is, to make a complicated concept easy for any Tom, Dick and Harry to understand.

Give examples. Share your experiences. Tell stories.

These are some ways to make a concept easy for your followers to digest.

Strategy #4: The fastest way to build authority is…

The best way to build authority is to create videos - on IG Stories, IGTV, Facebook, YouTube. 

You can record a 3-5 minute video everyday and post them on your social media platforms. Your videos should show your expertise in coaching. Focus on one topic or concept per video :)

This is perfect for those who can speak spontaneously and are comfortable in front of the camera.

If you are not, don’t sweat it! You can choose other platforms such as writing blog posts or recording your voice instead of recording videos.

I personally still recommend creating videos (with you speaking to the camera) because videos allow people to trust you fast!

My last words on building authority and building trust on social media…

Well, if you want 5 high-engagement social media captions examples so that you can be seen as an expert on life coaching, just fill up your details below!

Pro tip: You don’t have to post these high-converting long-form captions everyday. Just once every couple of days is also fine - each of these long-form captions can be seen as a treat for your followers.

If you want 50 of such high-converting captions to cut-and-paste on your social media, you’ll want to see this 50 life coach captions bundle.

Have a good week!

